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Copyright Compliance:
Under the 1976 Copyright Act, Libraries may provide limited copying services for their patrons. The following guidelines must be followed for the Library to comply:
1. The copied material must display the following information: "NOTICE": This material may be protected by copyright law. (Title 17 U.S. Code)
2. The material must become the property of the patron, and the Library must have no notice that the material will be used for anything but "private study, scholarship, or research."
3. Materials may not be copied in large quantities, nor should it substitute for subscription to or purchase of materials.
Copy Machine Policy:
• The Library provides a copier for patron use in copying and document scanning for email.
• Black and white copies are twenty cents ($0.20) per side per page copied
• Color copies are fifty cents ($0.50) per side per page copied.
• Paper with sizes larger than standard (8 1/2 X 11) will be charged fifty cents ($0.50) per side per page copied or printed.
• Print prices for black and white or color still apply for patrons who wish to use their own paper as ink and toner are still being used.
Printing/Fax Policy:
• Printers are available for printing documents and pictures.
• Black and white prints: twenty cents ($0.20) per side per page.
• Color prints: fifty cents ($0.50) per side per page.
• Patrons may print labels provided they supply their own label paper. Library staff assumes NO responsibility for correct insertion of label paper. Test runs may have to be conducted to assure correct alignment of text and are the responsibility of the patron. Print prices for black and white color still apply as ink and toner are still being used.
• Fifty cents ($0.50) per page for the first six (6) pages then twenty cents ($0.20) per page for each subsequent page.
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