
The Grant County Library offers many services and materials for our patrons.
Our services include:
~ Copying- $0.20 per side per page (black and white) $0.50 color
~ Printing- $0.20 per side per page (black and white) $0.50 color
~ Scanning- Free
~ Faxing- $0.50 for the first 3 pages, $0.20 per page after 3
~ Public Access Computers- 8 Adult Computers with Microsoft Office and Internet. 3 Children's Computers with educational software.
Library Card or Guest Pass required. Covid restrictions currently in place.
Contact the library for more information.
~ 24/7 WiFi Internet Access from the parking lot.
~ Programming for Adults and Children- currently all virtual.
See calendar for schedule or the Library's Facebook page.
~ In-house materials for borrowing: Books including Large Print, Fiction,
Non-fiction, Young Adult Fiction and Non-fiction, Juvenile Fiction and
Non-fiction, Easy Picture Books and Easy Readers, Magazines, Test Prep
and Reference, Arkansas and Grant County History, DVDs, Video Games, Rod and Reels, and Hot Spots by T-Mobile. Deposits required on some material and account must be in good standing.
We also offer Interlibrary Loan, Books by Mail, and Bookmobile service through the Mid-Ark Regional Library.
Borrowing Policy:
Library materials are checked out where the following applies:
Books and Audio Books 21 Days; 2 renewal, no limit per household
Video Games 14 Days; 1 renewal, limit of 2 per household
Rod and Reels 14 Days; 1 renewal, no limit per household
DVD & Blu-Ray 7 Days; 1 renewal, limit of 6 per household
Magazines 7 Days; 1 renewal, no limit per household
Hot Spots 14 Days: no renewals, limit 1 per household - Waiver/Signature Required
Items renewed by phone or in person in accordance with the material listed above unless the item is on hold for another patron. The patron whom the card is issued to is responsible for all items checked out on the card regardless if they were present at the checkout.
All materials are charged at ten cents ($0.10) per day with a five dollar ($5.00) maximum per item except Hot Spots. Hot Spots are charged at five dollars ($5.00) per day up to thirty-five dollars ($35.00). If the hot spot is not returned within seven (7) days of the due date, the borrower will be held responsible for the total replacement cost, processing fees and fines. See Hot Spot Policy for all details.
See Policies for all library policies.